Shredded wheat “french toast”- revisiting an old favorite

Growing up, a favorite breakfast was shredded wheat biscuits fixed like french toast. Mix up eggs and milk, dip in the shredded wheat biscuit to soak up the mixture, then fry in butter, and enjoy with syrup. I never knew anyone else who had this for their breakfasts, and we all just were sure it was a secret recipe from my father’s family.

Dave didn’t grow up enjoyng this, but has always like it when I fixed it. He asked for it this morning. Sounded good to me also, except I didn’t have shredded wheat biscuits, just spoon size. Well, why wouldn’t it work? I mixed up 2 eggs with 1/2 a cup of milk, and poured in a few servings of spoon sized shredded wheat. AFter letting it sit about five minutes, I drained what little liquid was still sloshing around in the bowl, and poured them into hot butter in a fry pan.

Hey – worked just fine. And they tasted fine also, with real maple syrup and strawberries pulled out of the freezer and thawed before spooning on top.

A search of the internet showed this “secret recipe” isn’t really our secret, as others mentioned they also make this. Some people, unfamiliar with the dish, read recipes and commented about that it just didn’t sound right. But I will vouch from personal experience that it really does taste right!

2 responses

  1. I had to smile at your little French toast shredded wheat. It seems like something that should be served on some sweet doll dishes. Thanks for the memories.

    • I so remember this and have cravings for it occasionally…if I ever can get my stupid memo done, I think I know what I’m making for breakfast. Or dinner…

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